Hari ini dalam Sejarah

December 24, 1950 – Hungnam evacuation/Miracle of Christmas : the last of 100,000 U.S. and Allied troops are evacuated from the port of Hungnam, North Korea.

ZONA PERANG (zonaperang.com) – The Hungnam evacuation also known as the Miracle of Christmas, was the evacuation of United Nations (UN) forces and North Korean civilians from the port of Hungnam, North Korea, between 15 and 24 December 1950 during the Korean War.

As part of the fighting withdrawal of UN forces against the People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) during the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir (27 November to 13 December), they abandoned some 23,000 square miles of North Korean territory to enemy forces and retreated to Hungnam from where they were evacuated to South Korea.

The real miracle was the Marines’ fighting withdrawal from the Chosin area. Due to MacArthur’s arrogance, the UN forces were caught off-guard by the huge Chinese offensive. Several US Army units were wiped out. USMC made it back to a port for evac by the USN.


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