February 5, 1985 – ‘Better Late Than Never’ Rome and Carthage Finally Make Peace

February 5, 1985 – the mayors of Rome and El Djem, a Tunisian town near the site of ancient Carthage, sit down together to sign a treaty of friendship. Both claim that the meeting marks the official end of the Third Punic War of 146 BC.

Third Punic War also called Third Carthaginian War

More than 2,000 years after Carthage sent Hannibal and his elephants across the Alps in pursuit of the Romans, and Rome in turn retaliated by assaulting and razing Carthage, the two cities are officially making peace.

Third Punic War, also called Third Carthaginian War, (149–146 bce), third of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) Empire that resulted in the final destruction of Carthage, the enslavement of its population, and Roman hegemony over the western Mediterranean.

symbolic friendship and collaboration

The mayors of Rome and Carthage will sign a symbolic friendship and collaboration pact in a ceremony at the ruins of ancient Carthage, near modern Tunis, early next month, a spokesman for Rome’s Communist Mayor Ugo Vetere said Friday.

Tunisian and Italian authorities have talked for some time about a gesture of reconciliation over the three bitterly foughtPunic Wars.

Arab League Secretary General Chedli Klibi, a Tunisian who holds the honorary title of mayor of Carthage, took the initiative by handing Vetere a draft treaty when he visited the Italian capital


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